Monday, August 06, 2007

A Summer of Firsts

While it wasn't the first time I brought a youth group to New Orleans on a summer mission trip, it was the first time that I attempted to bring a combined group from 2 very different youth groups - merging them into one united team to be a blessing to the people of New Orleans. Our group of students was made up of 8 students from a upper middle class, suburban church and 12 students from a lower income, urban youth group.

It was also the first time Urban Impact (the inner city ministry we went to) had ever had inner city youth come to them for a National Project Week.

There were lots of challenges. Many of my students from the city have only recently committed their lives to in a way they were just a step ahead of many of the kids we interacted with in New Orleans.

However, they added a dynamic that brought life, energy and excitement to the week. I believe the week was a week of incredible growth and formation (beyond what anyone could even articulate at this point) for every person involved - not just the people from our group but the participants from other groups, the staff at Urban Impact and the people of New Orleans. We got to see a glimpse of God's glory in a way that we never had. Though it was perhaps the hardest trip I've ever led (revealing many of my own weaknesses) it was the best. Check out all the pix below!!

Me and my boy Dingo...although, now he is all grown up! This is his 2nd summer as an intern with Urban Impact. He will graduate from college next year and hopes to be a youth pastor!

A bunch of our kids excitedly awaiting their day ahead. :)

Some of the guys wrestling

One afternoon it rained and rained and rained....

So we played....

and played....

and played...

Sarah and I - happy to be home in our hood

Bradley - thinking he's a model or something! :)

Dani working hard gutting a house

You can't go to Cafe du' monde and not have a powdered sugar fight!

Bodai painting the walls of a school library

Our whole group at the end of the week. We were all feeling a bit crazy by then.

I love this picture of Tywanda and AJ

The boys just playin' around

Of course we had to get a flat at the worst possible time. :)

Great time in the morning with the Lord

1 comment:

Pete and Jess said...

Looks like a great time and opportunity. Good job Ruth!